2021年10月15日(金)〜25日(月) 12:00〜20:00
[11日間] 期間中無休 最終入場19:30
※最終日は16:30最終入場、 17:00閉館
October 15, 2021(Friday)-
October 25, 2021(Monday)12:00〜20:00
[11 Days]open throughout the weekend
※ last admission 16:30
【入 場】
大阪駅・中央北口前 うめきたシップホール
〒530-0011 大阪市北区大深町4-1うめきた広場
JR Osaka Station Central Exit / Umekita Ship Hall
Umekita Plaza, 4-1 Ofukacho,
Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0011 JAPAN
Rui Itasaka
Shiho Eika
Takehiko Suzuki
《Bed & Business》
Nara Yuki
Sho Nishihara
Tetsuo Hatakeyama+Taiki Yoshino
Takahito Miyagishima
《O Project》
Under 35 Architects exhibition 2021 OPERATION BOOK
1987年埼玉県生まれ。2010年東京大学工学部建築学科卒業。2011年スイス連邦工科大学チューリッヒ校交換留学、2012年東京大学大学院工学系研究科建築学専攻修了。2012-16年OMA Hong Kong / Rotterdam勤務。東京大学学術支援専門職員を経て2019年鈴木岳彦建築設計事務所設立。主な作品に、施主が自らの作業に没入しつつも豊かな周辺環境とのつながりを回復することを目指した3坪の離れ「TUNNEL(2019)」。「TUNNEL」にてGerman Design Council ICONIC AWARDS 2020 ‘BEST OF BEST’ 受賞。
AAF (Art and Architect Festa) is pleased to officially announce the Call for Entries for the ninth annual exhibition, "Under 35 Architects exhibition" that will be held in coming Autumn 2021. We encourage new generation of Architects to contribute for the future. Thus, all under-35 Architects are given opportunity to participate in this exhibition.
In this exhibition, young architects are given the opportunity to measure their abilities and express their ideas for the future architecture to the society.
Since 2015, one outstanding work during the exhibition will be selected for the "U-35 Gold Medal".
We are looking forward for your application. Please find applications detail in the following.
※ Venue and Schedules are tentative.
Please note that there may be some changes in circumstances.
【Evaluation Process】
All entries (CVs, Portfolios) will be evaluated by the appointed Jury, Arch. Yasutaka Yoshimura.
We will conduct further interview screening as necessary.
【Exhibitor Number】
Expecting 7 qualified entries depending on the final venue size & layout.
(Breakdown: 3 general applications, 3 nominations from the recommendations, 1 seed-right qualificatio)
U-35 2020 ゴールドメダル 賞 受賞者
・Seed Right Exhibitor
U-35 2020 Gold Medal Prize Awardee
U-35 2020 伊東賞 受賞者
・Seed Right Exhibitor
U-35 2020 ITO PRIZE Prize Awardee
【Exhibition Fee】
No charge on facility / venue / participation
Each exhibitor is responsible for all production cost, installation, dismantling, loading and unloading, transportation, accommodation and other necessary costs and expenses.
1. Maximize your great exposure during the exhibition. Exhibition expects 10,000 visitors from different fields and places.
2. Opportunity to reveal your potentials and get recognized by well-known architect/s in the symposium.
3. Chance to have intuitive network and multiple connections beyond generations in the related fields.
※ Each prize: GOLD MEDAL PRIZE and ITO PRIZE (biennially) will be awarded to the respected young architect (or team) for having the most outstanding exhibit work and personality.
【Contact Us】
Non-Profit Organization (NPO) Art and Architect Festa (AAF)
2-9-14 MinamiHorie, Nishiku, Osaka, Japan 550-0015
E-mail info@aaf.ac
※ For questions & inquiries, Please contact us via E-mail in English or Japanese.
※ Please take note that we don't accept inquiries via telephone.
※ For more details and updates, please visit the website. http://u35.aaf.ac/